Thursday, October 24, 2013

A picture is worth a 1,000 words

As a writer where words are sacred, I'm not afraid of saying I believe that a picture IS worth a 1,000 words.

As a mystery writer, I read mysteries which is what took me to Alexander McCalls Smith's 1st Lady Detective Series, which led me to his 22 Scotland Road series and his von Ingelfeld series. The last two really aren't mysteries but people with satirical characters that are just plain fun to read

But there's another facet of the last two series that I love. They have sketches in them.

What fun to turn a page and see a drawing.

The first time I saw that in a modern book was Rita Mae Brown's mystery series which she co-authored with a cat Sneaky-Pie Brown.

However, whether in words or pictures, the story is the most important thing, the telling the second most important and that's where the 1,000 words come in. They have to be good ones.


Anonymous said...

Alexander McCalls Smith's 1st Lady Detective Series is an awesome reading series. Oh and you are so right the pictures are a wonderful addition but it is the words that follow that give meaning, purpose, and thought! Great Blog Post!

Susanne said...

And have you tried his Isabel Dalhousie series, starting with The Sunday Philosophy Club? The mysteries are often a loose excuse to look at philosophical issues and are also a great tour of Edinburgh!