Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Looking young

People tell me I don't look my age, but no one in their right mind would tell a woman, "You look like an old woman."

I really don't think of myself as old, but sometimes I have to do a double take when I catch my reflection in a store window or a mirror.

However, I think I've found one way to look younger.


I was plagued (except when I was pregnant, and having a baby a year was not the way I wanted a beautiful complexion) with them until I discovered quite by accident that when I stopped drinking orange juice and eating citrus my complexion cleared up.

Kaki fruit which is in season only a short time has the same effect as citrus.  I've enjoyed four and now my face is broken out. The pimple on the tip of my nose is the most annoying.

Having a teenage skin problem is one way of preserving youth. Being mature is choosing the pleasure of the cause over caring. Kaki season will end. My skin will clear up.


Ginger Dawn...A Spice Below The Horizon said...

Ha! if I could look like I did twenty years ago.. I have heard about citrus and complexion!

Rick Adams said...

Zit happens