This is my toothbrush

1. It is beautiful--I love the colors
2. It is useful--A bonus is that it is made of wood NOT PLASTIC
3. It has a memory--We found it in an outdoor market in Edinburgh. A man played a saxophone near by.
Now I brush my teeth and have an extra reason to make a routine action more pleasant when I remember that lovely moment when we bought it, the nice girl whose stand it was and just the sheer pleasure of being in Edinburgh.
I find it a constant battle to keep my life uncluttered, eco friendly and simple. Before my marriage, for example, it took me well over two years to use a roll of paper towels and then it was only for bacon sopping. Sponges and rags worked as well or better for spills, although I am trying to reduce the number of sponges in my rid-my-house of plastic drive.
I never could measure how long it took me to use tin foil. I used it to roll out pie crust and I made one pie a year. In Argelès, the brownie lady (make the second best in the world. A good friend makes the best) wraps the brownies and tin foil which we reuse.
I remember as a child we had a tinfoil ball that we turned in for the war effort after the tin foil was beyond use.
Now we us beeswax wrappers or mason jars never plastic containers.
I will never be as thrifty as my grandmother who reused everything. Double sheets would be turned into twin sheets if torn, then ironing board covers, rags or even doll clothes.
Sox were darned. My ex-husband did not appreciate my efforts to do this. Okay, I seamed the hole which made it painful to wear. Sewing was never one of my domestic strengths.
My attempts at being planet friendly, will not change the tons of plastic and garbage that washes up on the shore or builds huge landfills. But it won't add to it either.
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