Tuesday, July 23, 2024

All Fertile Women--Your Life Is In Danger


If the Republicans have their way, every fertile woman will be in danger of dying. Not just because abortion will be illegal everywhere, but medical treatment in emergencies may be withheld by doctors in fear of the law.

J.D. Vance's stance is no abortion, no way, no how. He could well be the next president.  He also thinks that women in abusive relationships should stay with their abuser. If the over- weight and sometimes deranged Trump cannot finish his term, Vance would be president. No woman can afford that danger.

Women get pregnant often by accident:

  • Contraception fails (and that might be limited in the future too.)
  • Rape
  • Incest
  • Carelessness
  • Ignorance

In writing Coat Hangers and Knitting Needles about pre-Roe v Wade alternatives for women who needed an abortion, I heard of so many stories of which these are a few:

  • A woman who had five children and couldn't afford a sixth went for an abortion. She died.
  • A woman was aborted on a table top covered with dirty newspapers. The abortionist made a pass at her, but she lived.
  • A woman bled to death in a do-it-yourself abortion.
  • A little girl, whose mother died of an abortion, grew up being shuttled from relative to relative.

In states where people want a referendum the Republican legislators find reasons not to put the issue to the people.

There are states where there is talk of tracking women's cycles.

There are states where leaving the state for an abortion is illegal as is helping a woman to do the same.

No matter what a woman's economic status is, no matter if she is married or single, no matter how old she is, no matter if she wants the child or not but medical reasons means she shouldn't carry it to term, no matter if the fetus is not viable, that woman's life is in danger. Iy you are an American woman your life could be in danger.


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