Tuesday, July 02, 2024

News Black out


"Let's not watch any news until Sunday," my husband said Monday night.

We'd both have been depressed over what we feel is the destruction of our birth country, the French elections, a plethora of wars and the arrogance of alleged leaders.

We are also news junkies, listening to news casts from several countries and/or reading articles and books on history, politics, biographies, etc.

Can we go cold turkey? I will do a daily diary of my news rehab.

Day 1

Instead of listening to the news and/or checking the internet before showers, cups of tea and dog walking...we went straight to the showers... my fingers itched for the remote.

I also added NOT reading Thom Hartman, Dan Rather, Heather Cox Richardson, and Robert Reich to the list.

It is now 12:49 as I write this. 

Tuesday is our Free Write day where we meet with another writer and using a prompt write for ten minutes.

Despite a slight wind, we chose an outside café and the words, Supreme Court, Trump or Sunak, Macron, Gaza and Ukraine never fell from our lips. 

My chocolate croissant was delicious.

After we took a drive. We've invited friends for Sunday brunch, but a good part of the route to our place will be closed off due to a major triathalon. We went into Geneva and found an alternative route.

Back home we resumed our normal non-news writing activities. It is so hard not to sneak a peek at news sites on the computer I will work on my book, I won't check the news sites, computers.

I will work on my book, I won't check the news sites, I will work on my book, I won't check the news sites, I will work on my book, I won't check the news sites, I will work on my book, I won't check the news sites, I will work on...

The next update will be Saturday.

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