Monday, July 29, 2024

Intolerance for Intolerance

I'm growing more intolerant of intolerance.

I grew up in a household where my mother believed anyone who wasn't a WASP if not inferior, was at least less than a WASP on a human scale. The intolerance reared its ugly head when I wanted to go to a movie with a Catholic boy. We were 15, and it was obvious to my mother that the movie could lead to marriage and grandchildren praying to the Pope.

Other than that my mother was an intelligent woman.

I don't care the religion. Your sacred is NOT my sacred. I could also say my sacred is not your sacred, but I won't get my knickers in a twise if you step on my sacred.

The bruhaha over the alleged mocking of the Last Supper is the latest example. I see no difference about that than a Muslim going balistic over a painting of Allah. Well there is a slight difference. People were shot at a newspaper that did the portrait.

The moment I saw that part of the Olympics, I said to my husband, "That will drive the American Christians nuts." To be fair some French Christians and a few Brits also objected.

There are five major religions in the world. 

  • Christianity
  • Judaism
  • Islam
  • Buddhism
  • Hinduism.

Each has subgroups. 

To people who find solace and comfort in a religion, I'm truly happy for you. However, keep it to yourself and if someone steps on your sacred try and understand that they don't believe in your sacred. 

Leave intolerant me alone.

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