Sunday, August 18, 2024

Diversity is Good


One of the things that Project 2025 promotes is white males and discourages diversity.


May I never be trapped in a place where people who wrote 2025 rule. Besides the dangers, how boring life would be surrounded by the same old, same old.

Today, Rick and I went to Pages&Sips, our favorite English bookstore and café located in the Vieille Ville, Geneva. 

I wanted their scones and smoked tea for breakfast. Rick added hot chocolate to his order perfect for fall-cool weather after last week's heat wave. P&S's scones are the next best thing to eating scones on Princes Street in Edinburgh.

In the corner near where we sat were two families: Swiss French and Russian. They had two toddlers off the charts in adorableness. The children spoke French, English and Russian. They came over to show us their doll Gabbie and their stuffed rabbit whose name remained a secret. 

Think of it...pre-kindergartners who are already tri-lingual. What a leg up they have on opportunities.

We were next to the book display table, a dangerous place to be if one wanted to resist buying too many books. A couple, speaking German, were checking out the offerings for their weekly reading.

The contrast to people in the States who growl "speak English" when they hear a foreign language is huge. Living in a place that's 43% foreign is enriching. Cultures and languages intermingle.

Geneva wasn't always like that. John Calvin, whose church is around the corner from P&S, seemed to want to destroy anything beautiful or fun. Joy was to be found only in God, which is why he removed all the color from the church -- he missed one room. He did start a school 459 years ago, which is still educating Geneva's young today.
I wonder why white 2025 males, who believe in the 2025 report, so fear diversity.

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