Thursday, June 01, 2006

Rabbit, Rabbit

Rabbit, rabbit. I remembered to say the words first thing. If those words are the first spoken on the first day of the month, good luck is supposed to follow for the next 30 days.

I had awakened almost with the sun, well before six. The light will continue until almost ten marking the lazy, hazy days of summer. Well almost.

Instead of wearing my flimsy pink nightdress with the grey lace, I am in peach flannel pajamas. My crisp and cool raspberry and beige sheets are in the closet while I cuddle underneath my duvet with its penguined flannel cover. The air smells crisp and the curtain is standing almost straight out. As I rush to the window to shut it, the tile under my feet seems to inject them with icicles.

I head back to bed, pick up my book to read before I start my day, one of the true luxuries of my life. Since the age of ten I dreamed of being a full time writer, living in Europe. Now I am. However, when I was dreaming my dreams, I never specified the type of weather I would live in.

This is not a complaint. Last night it snowed in Germany. And the cool leaves me much more productive than when a canicule (heat wave) strikes.

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