Thursday, June 08, 2006

Testosterone in the streets

The shots of Munich on CNN are familiar both from the times I visited my daughter there and when I had Radio Free Europe, based in that city, as a client. However, now the streets were filled with football fans dripping testosterone and wearing strange hats, nationally-colored hair and waving flags.

The World Cup crazies have begun. €100 tickets are being scalped for €1100 (Around $1300) and my not even be valid if names aren’t on them. 29,000 tickets for a game have been reserved for corporate sponsors while fans have to scramble for 8000.

Germany is holding fan fests for those that don’t have tickets, the police have no hope for a day off until it is over and their forces have been augmented by police from all over the world.

Men are searching for big screens to watch their favorite games and most women are putting their marriages on hold until it is over. Will I watch some of the games? You bet. And hopefully will also be able to catch Federer at the end of Roland Garros too.

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