Wednesday, May 21, 2014

KISS(Keep it simple stupid)

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Calling a spade a spade

What triggered this blog was the relatively new use of the title barista  in coffee shops. It's the Italian word for someone who makes coffee or serves in a bar, thank you Starbucks for starting the trend. I never hear without the word pretentious coming to mind. Then I think barrister. Maybe a male barista gets a girl who thinks really he is a high-highfaluting English lawyer type.

I also write a news letter and people often have sentences for titles, vice president of operational safety in the community. Good Lord, how much time is wasted just typing the title. It might not even fit on a business card if the font is too large.

I suppose the trend began years ago when the title janitor was replaced with terms like building engineer. Secretaries became personal assistants.

I've decided to follow the trend...I'm not a writer/journalist but a Compiler of Words in Fiction Format and revealing of facts to others.

Nah...I'll KISS it...I'm a writer/journalist.

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