Saturday, December 26, 2020


When my daughter was three, many moons ago, we painted a set of Christmas ornaments. I remember she was wearing a lilac jumper with a white turtleneck and tights. As usual, I found her adorable.

We were discussing the ornaments recently. She confessed she felt jealous that mine were better than hers. And I tell her I have always treasured hers.  

As a working, single mom, I always felt I never was able to give her all the time I should. I still feel guilty, I couldn't get away from work long enough to take her to regular gymnastic lessons.

Thus moments doing projects or reading to her, playing fashion show with her bath towel, going for an ice cream or chatting in the car, cut a tiny hole in the guilt and brought immeasurable pleasure in her existence.

So for every brush stroke outside the lines, she didn't know it, but she was giving me a great gift--shared time. Much more important than staying inside the lines.

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