Thursday, March 18, 2021

Vaccination Moderna

Today was the day.

I wasn't thrilled to get a Covid vaccination, but decided to anyway not so much of fear for myself but fear for others. Also I want to travel and cross borders and airplanes easily. Where we live in France we can go to Spain for lunch and where we live in Switzerland we can go to France for lunch. Italy and Germany are not that far away.

Rick drove me. 

A medical building had turned it's basement floor over to vaccinations. The Civil Protection Service (an alternative to the required Army Service plus other departments) were greeting people and then directing them to the intake people.

The uniformed young man who took my information asked me if I wanted English. French through a mask behind a plastic shield is hard to understand. So was his English. He came around to the side. He gave me information on the web site, type of vaccine, and more.

A number of really old people (said by a non-spring chicken) were there and the Civil Service People helped them to chairs, out of chairs and walking. 

One old man came in angry. He was ten minutes late because he had to take a taxi. The poor civil service man kept telling him it didn't matter but the man kept saying, "Don't you know I'm old?" He spoke in English. When calmed, he was given a seat and was admitted before me. Probably to get rid of him as fast as possible.

At any time I would guess there were about 50 people waiting of which maybe four were care takers. 

There were a few young people waiting. Three were on crutches.

One man who had an oxygen tube asked how much longer. He had a doctor's appointment at 11. He was breathing heavily. Since the building was a medical center, I was sure medical assistance would not be a problem should he have a crisis. When my turn was called, I told them to take the man. He thanked me.

There were nine cubicles. Each one had a tri-color board outside and a timer. A moveable arrow on the board allowed the civil service guide to see when a cubicle was free. 

I was asked if I wanted it in my right of left arm. The nurse was smiley and quick. It picked not hurt. 

"Please sit here for 15 minutes to make sure you are okay. Aha! The reason for the timers outside all nine cubicles.

My time was up and I rejoined my husband, who was beginning to worry. His age group is just becoming eligible. Makes me a cougar and him a toy boy, but now I'm a semi-vaccinated cougar waiting for my second jab April 15.

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