Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Nov 9 Flash Fiction The Audition


Nov. 9. of FlashNano2022 where one writes a flash fiction piece to a prompt. Today's prompt.

Write a piece where every sentence starts with the same word.


No, I don’t believe the rumors.

No, I haven’t thought about being wrong.

No, I don’t have a plan if the rumors are true.

No, I don’t understand why he wants to see me at his hotel not the studio.

No, I don’t want you to go with me, even if we say we are on our way to someplace different after.

No, I won’t be angry if you go if you wait down the hall.


No, I won’t come in because you have no clothes on.

No, I don’t care that I won’t get the part.


No, I won’t apologize that you were right and I was wrong.

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