Sunday, November 13, 2022


 I think the scruffy looking man standing outside my door is a fireman. They are in the village selling calendars as a fund-raiser as the do each year.

Rick misunderstands thinking it is the chicken man delivering our farm chicken we ordered instead of a nurse. The two words in French are close.

Then I hear him say his name is Camille. Aha. That is the name of the nurse who will come to change the bandages on the wound where I slit open my head. I thought of the name as belonging to a woman such as sculptor Camille Claudel. 

Earlier that morning, I had my first shampoo in over a week or least a demi-shampoo. Rick cut the biggest snarls and gently combed out the smaller ones. He applied shampoo with his hands and removed it with a damp face cloth. At no time did he come near the stitches that held my scalp together.

Camille, the nurse not the sculpturor, gave me instructions for a real shampoo before he comes tomorrow. There has been a nurse everyday since I left the hospital, sewn up after a twisted step caused a stupid fall. Not sure if there ever is a smart fall. House visits are a normal service of the French health system and I've met Delphine, Amalie, Nathalie and Jean-Michel on different days.

Today started with rain, but it stopped. Rick went to the marché and brought back my favorite tarts from Catherine, the Brownie Lady. He also bought minced pies, the first of the season.

We had a lovely lunch of roast chicken, gratin potatoes and veggies. 

We watched Smercornish, or the bald guy as we call him. He had a section where a boarding school forbid phones. Once the students were used to it, they said they liked it better. Instead of staying in their rooms, they participated in more activities. An expert talked about how it can create addictive behavior. 

I know I hate it when there's a commercial, Rick reaches for his phone if he wasn't already on it. He's shutting me out and any sharing we might be doing as he goes into zombie phone user mode.

I will admit the phone is handy when we see something and want more info immediately. Especially useful when we see and actor or actress we KNOW we KNOW but can't think where we've seen them. Phone/IMDB to the rescue.

Saying that if he's watching something that might not interest me, I might be playing games on my computer. 

As for screen time we spend lots of time on our computers both for news and as writers. I am also aware I waste time on games and Facebook. I want to try checking FB and maybe playing one game first thing in the morning. I will not do it again until the end of the day. That includes email. Maybe then I will be able to get more writing done.

Because I still get dizzy after my fall, I went to read in bed and Rick brought his computer to edit material for work. Sherlock brought his greenie which he threw at us. The three of settled down and shared misc. stuff until the doorbell rang.

RB2, my brother wantabe, stopped by to check on me. He was on his way to pick up Chinese food for supper.

Not sure how we'll spend the rest of the evening. "Writing? Reading? Netflix? Doesn't matter. We're together.

Maybe tomorrow I will try and go all day without a game. Stay tuned. Film at 11.


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