Monday, June 03, 2024

Eclectic Reader


My reading is eclectic. I read history, politics, biographies, mysteries, thrillers, chick lit, humor and ketchup bottle labels. Every now and then I'll read economics, but that is rare.

I should read more French books, but it is a different pleasure and less of one. If the story is fascinating it is easier. I am quicker to give up on a less interesting book, although I find I savor the language in a different way.

As a writer, I sometimes imagine why the author made the choice s/he did. I can imagine him/her sitting at the computer and going back and saying..."This would work better if I just..."

Right now, I'm reading Heather Cox Richardson's Democracy Awakening and Melanie Gideon's Wife 22. In our car are biographies of Anne Tyler and Thoreau's On Walden Pond.  

I read in the car when Rick goes into a shopping mall. He can take his time, and I'm not being punished by having to go shopping. It's a win-win.

I track my reading on a spreadsheet: date, title, number of pages and author. It comes in handy. I started a book last week and it seemed familar. I checked my list and found I read it five years ago. It is also handy when I read several books by the same author so I don't buy or borrow a book twice.

As for number of pages. I'm already over 15,000 for the year. The most I've ever read was in 2020 and it was 38,090 pages. 

As an Anglo reader living in two Franco countries getting books can be hit or miss. There's the Geneva English library, best for my fiction, a new wonderful English book store, Pages and Sips with the added pleasure of scones and tea, the new phone booth libraries and other kiosks where people leave books and, of course, there are e-books.

Don't think, I don't have a life. I do all the ordinary and sometimes extra ordinary things people do. But at the same time, I immerse myself in the other worlds offered by my pages.

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