Friday, June 28, 2024

Where should I live?


I will never be faced with an abortion. I'm too old. My daughter is now safe from abortion because she is too old to be pregnant.

However, if I were still fertile and live in a state where my body belonged to the state and not to me, I could/should chose to move to a state where I was safe from those that would want to control my womb.

Unwanted pregnancies can come about for many reasons including rape, incest, failed birth control and even an error in judgement.

The decision to carry that child to term should be mine, no one else's. 

Even if I decided that I wanted the baby, something might go wrong. The fetus could die, or my own health could be put at risk. In many states in the U.S., I will be unable to get the neccesary medical care out of doctor fear of the law. 

Some states want to track my pregnancy. Some will want to punish me if I want to find a safe medical procedure in another state.

In too many places, as a woman, your life could be in danger if you are pregnant just because you are pregnant.

Good luck in your escape if you live in one of those states.


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