Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Mr. Monk and Me

I've been binge watching the Monk series. Living in Europe, series sometimes reach me late, but NETFLIX allows me to catch up.

Do not think I'm being nasty to people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I'm not.

Mr. Monk has traits I see in myself and sometimes drive those I live with to humor me or drive them into annoyance.

I like things neat and balanced. For example, take these two shelves. The beige blanket makes me unhappy, the green happy.

I'm grateful to my husband for folding the beige blanket even if he doesn't want to leave the edges nicely or almost nicely folded.

And while things in my medicine cabinet are lined up a certain way, his clutter (my OCD showing through) mess up the countertop.

I hate clutter. My theory: if you're going to use something, take it out, use it and put it away. Don't take something out on Monday to use Thursday.

And I like things aligned and symmetrical. Like Mr. Monk, I will constantly move things a centermeter to make them more balanced.

I find dishes in the sink abhhorent unless they are soaking. In France we have a dishwasher, and I don't understand why, when dishes have to be put in the dishwasher, why not do it when you put them down. 

In Geneva we don't have a dishwasher, but still many dishes can be washed immediately. Still when my husband considers dish washing as much his responsibility as mine, I am grateful.

When I put my toothbrush away in its glass, I run my fingers down the handle. That way water doesn't accumulate in the bottom of the toothbrush holder. And I tend to take things such as towels, cloth napkins, etc. from the bottom and put the clean ones on top, so they will be used evenly.


Now before you decide I'm batshit crazy and ready to go into OCD-rehab, look at my closet. I am incapable of keeping any closet or drawers neat. What it does do keep me humble and able to laugh at myself while sympathizing with and appreciating those I live with for putting up with me.

And I'm on the last season of Monk. I'll miss him, my buddy in over reaction to disorder.

Note: check out D-L's website www.dlnelsonwriter.com for her list of novels and non-fiction books.

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