Sunday, March 11, 2012



I've finished my spring cleaning and taken out three almost giant sized trash bags. If you consider I have a studio and am a minimalist on top of that, those who know me will wonder how.

Even minimalists have a latent rat pack gene, which may explain why I had two empty jars, six extra paper clips, clothes I would never wear, a huge rawhide dog bone (in case a certain German Shepherd, visited) five candles of the wrong shape and colour, a ball point pen I would never use, a pencil I would never use etc., etc. etc.

They and like stuff are gone, gone, gone, thank goodness.

Then I was able to move out the washer, the frigo and couch and wash the flour behind them, etc. arrange my closet in rainbow order and make sure I know where my five remaining paper clips are. Those are the ones that are shaped like animals that I love to use the one or two times a year I need a paper clip.

Now how long will my closet remain in rainbow order, my drawers remain free. I know when I did it in Geneva, I could guarantee six weeks.


I will be in Argelès.

And here in Argelès.

As they say on American TV when they give a news brief..."stay tuned, film at 11."

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