Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gun fight

Growing old is mandatory
Growing up is optional

That's what one of my T-shirts says, and the optional part was proven yesterday. I was happily on the couch when I was hit with a stream of water. Seems Rick had found two water pistols at the marché.

At least he armed me too and had NOT given into his urge to hand me mine sans water. During the day, there were a few water skirmishes. hmmm not the paintball I want to do someday, but certainly more appropriate inside in a nice apartment. 

Our aim was impressive with targets being hit often enough to do a shooting instructor proud.

Maybe not the normal activity for people whose combined ages surpasses 130 but it certainly makes the day fun and that should never be optional, it should be mandatory.

1 comment:

Susanne said...

It is a debate I often have with my husband - the difference between being childish and childlike! He sometimes doesn't see my childlike enjoyment of life in the same way I do ...