Saturday, December 28, 2013

The accidental creche or creches

I've never been a creche person as in put one out at Christmas, but I've always been fascinated by the varieties...everything from tacky to worthy of a museum.

After helping a friend move a bureau -- okay Rick helped while the wife and I had a cup of tea -- we were ambling back when we came across an exhibition of creches.  One of the joys of Argeles as tiny as it is, one never knows what one might stumble across while doing mundane chores.

This nativity scene was all popcorn. I did see the dangers such as the time my German Shepherd thought the gingerbread house I'd worked so hard to make with Llara was delicious...

 The all crystal creche figures were truly the most beautiful of the 50 odd crechés on display.

 The designer of this creche must have a lovely walk on the beach before putting it together.

And for pleasure, all these wine corks meant a lot of empty wine bottles. Another was done with champagne corks.

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