Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My Christmas shopping is done

I am not a Scrooge. I like giving gifts, even though I hate shopping. Thus when I run across things during the year that I know people on my Christmas list would like, I pick them up.

My ideal is to have all shopping done by Nov. 1. That way I don't have to enter a store at all in December nor do I have to fight crowds and get into the have to find something just to have something to give. This year I'm late.

Llara, who will be with us for Christmas, has already had her major gift, but I have picked up things for her stocking over the year.
I knew what I wanted to get Rick as his gift but wasn't sure where to buy it. 

I'd spotted it the last time I was at Intermarche, but we were together. Today we were both there because he needed a USB key. We're leaving for Ireland on Monday until Dec. 23rd and having to go back to the store again before is not acceptable and it may be too late when we get back. Bad enough we were in the store twice in three weeks.

We agreed to separate and he promised if he saw me to stay far away.

I grabbed the gift and the last remaining stocking stuffers. I was able to hold them in such away that if he did see me he wouldn't know what they were...of course I had to be careful that the store personnel didn't think I was trying to steal them.

On the checkout conveyor belt the man behind me told me I was using three next client signs. 

I explained the box was a Christmas present was for my husband, who was in the store, and I was hiding it in case he came too close.

The checkout girl sold me two plastic bags so I could hide the gifts quickly. 

Christmas shopping done. Timing 10 minutes including waiting in line.

Now I can truly enjoy the holiday season which I love: a real tree, decorating, sharing time with friends, good food, the music.


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