Friday, January 02, 2015


I have a writer friend who is so much of a popcorn freak that she has popcorn on her business card.

My housemate and I need little persuasion to pop corn. Any excuse...there's a bottle of champagne that needs company, we're watching a DVD, it has been a bad day, a good day, a middling day, it's Monday or Tuesday or . . .

For years I went popcornless except at the movies when I was in the US. Many small European theatres don't sell it and to my tastebuds' shock, when they did it was often sweet. Not bad, but unexpected.

I didn't commit to Rick for his love of popcorn but it did add a plus to his plus column (so far his negative column is empty).  His love of it makes me wonder if given a choice between it or me if like Jack Benny, known for being a cheapskate, when asked by a robber his money or his life would he reply, "I'm thinking it over?"

Some birthdays, anniversaries and Christmases Rick's main present is 100% obvious. This year it wasn't and the need to have it bought before leaving for Ireland was paramount. At the time I hadn't realised the problem with Llara and I would have been unable to shop had I waited, so my OCDness of getting Christmas gifts out of the way well before the holiday (preferably by august, but it can go to November) came in more than handy.

One night as we watched Homeland, munching microwave popcorn it hit me. He needs a popcorn popper.

Joy of joys...It took only one store to find it.

Last night he made his first popcorn...and best of all he shared it...with me!

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