Saturday, March 19, 2022

102 US Wars


I've come to the conclusion the human species is not programed for peace. Probably back in the cave man days, a group from one cave would attack another group from a neighboring cave for whatever reason: a need to steal their mammoth skins perhaps, a kidnapped woman, desire for their larger cave -- whatever.

Today the weapons are far more dangerous. Man advanced (?) in their weaponry from sticks and stones to bow and arrows, guns, cannons, missiles and bombs.

Americans talk a lot about peace. If asked to named American wars, most who know history at all would mention the American Revolution, Civil War, WWI, WWII. Others might add Korean, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.

In reality America has fought in 102 wars. I'm defining war as armed conflict.

Don't believe me?

There are the little known two Barbary Wars, the Texas Revolution for example.

How about the Banana Wars 1898-1934 in Central America and the Caribbean?

Did you know America participated in the Russian Civil War? And the Laotian Civil War lasting 22 years? The U.S. Invasion of Grenada in 1983? The Tanker War against Iran in 1987-1988?

How many of those wars were necessary. How many were more like one group of cave men attacking another. The reasons, if relevant then, are not relevant now. How many people died too early?

Reading through the list at best is depressing. 

Today's news on channels all over the world are covering Ukraine. The destruction, the cost of human life is horrendous. 

Will there always be humans who want to conquer and destroy? Will peace ever be possible anywhere?


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