Sunday, March 27, 2022

Daylight Savings Time


We set the clocks forward last night. Another sign of spring. 

There are those that want Daylight Savings Time all year round. No, no, no.

I love the short days when I can get into my PJs early, settle down with a book or movie, and a glass of wine or a cuppa. There is something so cozy about it.

But I also enjoy the lengthening days and I do love the French summer long days (but hate the heat and humidity) when after dinner we can take a walk, go to l'Hostalet for a wine, beer, fruit juice, or tea whatever we feel like. There we often meet up with friends and neighbors for a chat. It's like an Argelesian Pub.

If we're in Geneva we can sit on our patio or the garden and watch the sunset over lake Léman, chat about our day before going inside for bed.

I like watching the lengthening and the shortening of the days, which will happen with or without changing our clocks. After all, time describes a phenomena that takes place with or without humans.

When we put the clock backs, I won't change the time until late in the day. Then I can be "surprised" and I have more of my Sunday. I've been given another hour of life.

That hour is stolen from me in the spring. I set the clocks before I go to bed. It makes the "theft" less painful.

Benjamin Franklin was the first to suggest DST to conserve on candles. It has been said it also saves energy.

However, no matter what we tell our clocks tell us is the time, there is still 24 hours in a day. Make the most of it.


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