Thursday, March 24, 2022

Café not a restaurant


I'd seen the pretty blue of what I thought was a Swedish restaurant. I was only half right. It was more a café than restaurant which I discovered when we went there for lunch. 

There was the smell of baking goodies. The two charming Swedish women owners I discovered were mother and daughter, although they could have been sisters.

They did have a shrimp salad and a soup. I also saw a cheese and meat platter with fruit that looks wonderful for another time. And the blueberry tarte with a vanilla cream with the most wonderful crust -- yum.


The decorations are simple and cozy, but the chandelier with the horns was especially interesting.

The café filled quickly. Two dogs, a family with a baby, an older couple. My bank's customer service person came in with her husband and was joined by a younger couple. 

Fika means relaxing with a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll. Works for me.

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