Saturday, July 16, 2022

A disgusting human

 Lawyer James Bopp of Indiana argued and won Citizens United before the Supreme Court.

Lawyer James Bopp was the attorney for me, five Republicans and Rand Paul fighting against FATCA for expat Americans. The case was rejected by the Supreme Court. It was about the only thing I agreed with him on.

Lawyer James Bopp is against same sex marriage,  supported baseless election fraud and almost everything else I find abhorrent.

All the above could be considered a difference of political opinion.


Lawyer James Bopp 'In 2022, responding to reports that a 10-year-old rape victim needed and received an abortion, Bopp said that model legislation he developed for the National Right to Life Committee would have banned that abortion; he also said that they believed she should have had the baby, and "we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child'" Wikipedia.

What a disgusting example of humanity.

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