Monday, May 13, 2024

A Creative Week?


Church bells ring at 7:05 signalling what I hope will be a creative week.

I'm finishing a final proof of 300 Unsung Women, a project that was fascinating when I started the research and write the bios, but I'm ready to get back to my two novels, my half-finished Twins and Bean Pot for which I have the dates I need. I wrote the beginning chapter about Medora Young Stockbridge while it was in my mind. Plot twists for both novels keep popping into my head as I search for typos in Women.

We are about to move up to our Geneva home for the summer to avoid the canicule that is sure to come.

I'll miss Argelès, the ability to amble down the street for fresh veggies, sitting in the cafés drinking tea and greeting all the people I know. I'll miss the merchants with whom I have more than an acquaintanceship. 

I'll miss the smell of baking bread from the several boulangeries and the roasting chickens on marché day.

Before we leave, I hope we can get Sherlock to the beach where we can do his zoomies. Until now it's been too much needed rain and the Tramontane would blow sand in his eyes. 

There are second-home friends who've left and those who've come in the last few months while we've been here. Also the locals whom we know so well. And of course, we know all their dogs.

We'll return in September.

I'm also looking forward to Geneva. Our studio is cozy. The fruit trees in the garden will provide mulberries and plums and a place for Sherlock to sniff and play.

The walks through the fields will stimulate my senses and writing. I'm looking forward to seeing the donkeys and ponies and watch the different crops, rapeseed, sunflowers, corn, develop. I want to see Mont Blanc in all its glory as I walk down the hill to my home.

There are people I want to see, but its preplanned not the walk-by type of encounters. I am happy our Tuesday Free Writes will include our third member face-to-face and coffee-to-tea at our local tearoom.

I am looking forward to the Jet D'Eau, the English Library, Pages & Sips books and scones, a walk along the quai, the many moods of the lake. 

Geneva is only about 20 minutes away by buses that don't need to look for parking. They are frequent and we can see the Swiss countryside and villages as we go until we come to the lake.

Sometimes I wish I could clone me and be both places at all time. Never for a minute do I forget how privileged I am. No bombs are falling on me. I have enough to eat, hot water for a shower and a chance to write, write, write as I am surrounded by beauty.

And now my women are calling to me to finish my typo hunt.

Note: Visit D-L's website to see a list of her 17 published books.

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