Sunday, May 26, 2024

Colours that fly




Years ago, a very talented artist friend, decided to post some photos she had taken on Facebook. All the photos were mainly yellow. The next week she used a different colour.

Others wanted to share their photos with the same theme and Flying Colours was born. 

Now 165 photographers (amateurs mainly) check for the next week's theme and off they go. A different person each week suggests the theme.

The photos come from all major continents adding to the diversity even with the theme confines.

Themes can still be colours: we've also done shadows, doors, plants, flying, graffiti and many more with the only limit the imagination of the person charged with offering the theme.

In the beginning my husband and I would get the theme on Saturdays and off would head out on a photo safari to find photos that fit. Sometimes, we knew we already had the perfect photo and we'd pull those from our albums and post them.

Looking at how others interpret the theme is as much fun if not more as taking the photos. One of us would say to the other..."Make sure you check out what (fill in the name) posted."

This week's theme was things under other things. My offerings were my dining room table under my skylight, the wall and patio under the sky and finally, sausage cups under the sausage. I've been asked why, but I have no idea.

I'll have to ask the restaurant owner the next time I'm there.



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