Friday, May 03, 2024

For those that hate socialized medicine

French medical bill. One form for everything. Efficient.

I wrote this eight years ago. Since then I've had other treatments and hospital stays. I've had regular home visits to clean stitches when I hit my head. If you are American compare to how you would be treated and charged and tell me how horrible socialized medicine is.

I hate socialized medicine. 

It's terrible with waiting times. Had to have a blood test. Had to wait about six minutes in line and four for the technician. (no appointment). Then she pricked me first time (I have difficult veins and sometimes it has been up to six times). Then I had to pay. Gulp.

Horrible the money I had to pay. 47 Euros ($55)for 8 different results. If I had spent another 10($12) they would have come to the house. And I get the form (see photo) that all medical procedures use throughout the country that I can give to my Swiss insurer. 

French taxes pay for the system, people get something back and the money goes to the medical field which has controlled prices and no huge insurance executive salaries. 

Imagine all that I suffered in time and money under socialized medicine. I bet everyone will pity me.

Although the Swiss system is different, it is also efficient but slightly more expensive.

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