Friday, May 10, 2024

A story of two dogs

One dog was so happy that he ran around chasing whatever he could. It made his owner so mad, that she shot it.

A second dog has a job at the Marie Institute in Paris. He was part of an experiment that already is showing success. It is his job to visit the ward of really sick patients and put his head on the bed near their knees.

Patients, with all their worries and pains, were recorded as smiling more and relaxing more after Snoopy, a rescue dog, visited.

Not everyone is a dog lover. My mother was afraid of dogs having been badly bitten as a child. Still she found amusement in my two Japanese Chins who visited her. A cat person, she always found homes for all the kittens produced by my brother's frequent adoption of pregnant cats.

I've never really trusted people who do not like animals without a reason like my mother or someone who has an allergy and even more I trust no one an animal doesn't like. Anyone who is cruel to an animal for no other reason than cruelty, is flawed. 

I do not need to mention names of two Republican alleged leaders who fall into the flawed category.

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