Wednesday, May 01, 2024

When did Republicans get so cruel?

The South Dakota governor  shot her misbehaving puppy. Not only was that cruel, she bragged about it which was stupid. I guess she was willing to throw away the dog lovers vote and thank god she did. She does not belong in public office.

Cruelty is not her badge alone. Her party specializes in it.

Stephan Miller and other Republicans thought nothing of separating kids from their parents at the Mexican border. Worse they didn't try and document them for future reunions. Even the Nazis, as horrendously evil as they were documented their atroicities.

There is a president who calls them animals. He says nothing about the U.S. responsibility in interfering in their governments or the School of Americas that trains their leaders in war fare which led to too many deaths when they were back in their countries.

There is a governor who puts barbed wire in water to stop illegals.

And we can't forget Henry Kissinger. A U.S. 1975 Senate committee estimated 1.4 million civilian deaths during the South Vietnam war, which should never have been fought. Some 273,000 deaths were in Cambodia during those years. Kissinger was a ringleader in formulating policy.

Many brave Americans were lied into thinking they were protecting their country. How cruel is it to send to people to kill other people based on a lie?

It seems that anything that might help ordinary people is a no-no for Republicans: cancelling student death, affordable health care, lower prescription drugs. Tax cuts for the wealthy and subsidies for already profitable companies who are price gouging -- that's okay for Republicans.

Democrats aren't perfect. They too have done their share of hurting people, but overall I think Heather Cox Richardson summed it up best. 

"Republicans object to government investment in society and believe market forces should be left to operate without interference in order to promote prosperity. Democrats believe that economic prosperity comes from the hard work of ordinary people and that government investment in society clears the way for those people to succeed."


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