Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Joe Biden hero

 I wonder how many of us could have handled the evacuation well?

How do you end an unnecessary, totally bundled war, riddled with corruption and an additional 5,000 Taliban freed by your predecessor? 

Paris Match (ya, I know Americans will say who cares what the French think) said he was right to put the lives of Americans (his countrymen) before the Afghans. Other editorials have not laughed at America as some who are not exposed to international media claim. I do hope, however, they won't follow America into any other unnecessary wars.

This travesty of an abuse of useless power had to end sometime. 

Think about the history.

Allegedly it was to bring the Egyptians and Saudis (those not dead) who did 9/11 to justice. So naturally attack Afghanistan and Iraq. Sorta like Johnny hits Billy on the third grade playground, so Mama goes to Target and slaps people around. Spend trillions. Sell patriotic men on the idea they are making their country safe. Pay them a pittance, but let contract soldiers make a fortune.

Lie regular about progress. "We've or maybe we're turning or turned the corner." How many corners does one country have? Absurd. Let's not mention the corruption. And we shouldn't talk about the misunderstanding of the Afghan culture.

A lot of good came from the war. Drone and other arms companies made a fortune from the comfort of their offices. I wish there would be a survey on how many of their kids were killed or even served in the armed forces.

Yes, it could have been planned better. How would you have done it after it was clear the war was lost, not that it ever had a chance of being won? No nation in all of history has been able to do it.

Joe Biden is a hero for ending a wrong. Yes, he could have done it better. I'm not sure how. 

Biden met with the families of the 13 who died in the bombing. He must have known he would be blamed and he was. It couldn't have been easy knowing what it is like to lose a grown child. There are no words that will ever relieve that pain. 

It is my sincerest hope no man or woman ever lets themselves be lied into another war. Bravery comes at even a higher price when one doesn't understand how their own country betrayed them. 

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