Sunday, August 08, 2021


 Snails are part of our family lore.

A few years back, I bought 36 snail shells to use as decoration in a flower pot.

The next day Rick, my husband, called, "There's a snail climbing up the window." I went to look. And then there was another and another and another. Those weren't empty shells. The seller had meant them as a meal for his clients.

I like escargot but it doesn't like me. My neighbor didn't want them for lunch so we released them at the river. Lucky creatures--a second chance for a good life.

For the next year, every so often," we would find a snail in the house.

Snails became a joke that spread to friends who recently made two snails for us and have brought us snail candles in the past. 


Today coming back from the beach we noticed snails on a wooden fence. It was a long fence. There were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them on the winding posts that went on and on and quite a few in the bushes behind the fence.

I didn't bring any home.

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