Monday, August 02, 2021

Violets, Peace and Politics

My mother said I was a high-strung child citing that when I was handed a violet as a toddler I shivered in delight.

Violets are my favorite flower. The hill leading to our lower garden became a purple rug every spring. My mother and I would pick a huge bouquet putting them in a pewter vase filling the six-inch mouth. I loved the color combination.

I don't think my love of color has anything to do with being high-strung. Yes, I have blue butterflies of my gray car and golden stars on my boring black laptop. The different shades of aqua in our new shower curtain raises my happiness meter when I take a shower.

Color makes me feel peaceful which I seek more and more.

There were the years when I was renovating a house, going to grad school, raising my daughter and holding a demanding management job. Those were barely having time to breathe years. Still I remember a "shiver" passing Northeastern University white buildings with bright red carnations telling me life didn't have to be like that.

As I age, I want peace, beauty and order not drama.

I want my home to ooze serenity, peace, color, beauty. I want warmth in my relationships at all levels and friendship.

Yesterday SFR, our internet provider, had major problems. We had no wifi (weefee French pronunciation) was down all day.

We tend to be news junkies and I watch in horror as my birth country self-destructs with people who put politics and power before people. Lies and ignorance. A couple of years ago we had an off-grid day with nothing from outside the world allowed in. Even if we were curious with what was going on in the world, it increased our sense of well being. 

I suppose I could not look at news channels from several countries. Or I could do it in smaller doses. 

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