Sunday, August 15, 2021

Uncle Sam Wants You


We all know this famous poster. The idea is sign up, protect your country, do your duty. You get to travel to places like Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan where you have a good chance to die, but you will be protecting your country and doing your duty. Your government will bungle the war, assuming it was even necessary in the first place which can be argued, but you will have protected your country and done your duty.

It doesn't matter that much of what the war was about was based on lies.

What if the truth was more like:

                                                            James D. Taiclet Wants You

I'm CEO of Lockheed which made $35.4 billion. We're one of the biggest suppliers of war planes. I need you to go fight so I can maintain my $23,000,000 million pay packet.

                                               Dennis Muilenburg Wants You

I want you to protect Boeing's 30.7 billion earnings, much of which is from planes that will drop bombs and kill people in other lands. I need you to protect my pay (salary and compensation) of $23.4 million by joining the armed services.

Gregory Hayes Wants You

I'm CEO of Raytheon. I need you to join the armed services to protect our sales of $21.95 billion and my salary and compensation of  $19,397,106. 

The U.S. government has sent young American men and women to their deaths for phony causes. The Vietcong were never coming to America. There were no nuclear weapons in Iraq. The perpetrators of 9/11 were Saudis and Egyptians, not Afghans and Iraquis. Those young men and women were manipulated into believing they were doing noble things for their country. 

Terrorists are bad people but why kill thousands and destroy, destroy, destroy to catch a few. I remember in school if a piece of gum was discovered everyone was punished. This is gum punishment on steroids and then some.

What they were doing were feeding and protecting the military-industrial complex. The companies above were not the only once making billions on war.

  • Textron (USA): $4.38 billion

  • Huntington Ingalls (USA): $6.55 billion

  • L-3 Communications (USA): $10.34 billion

  • United Technologies Corporation (USA): $11.9 billion

  • Northrop Grumman (USA): $20.22 billion
  • Compare the monthly pay of those who risk their lives for something they believe is greater than themselves to those CEOs. 

    When my gynie told me I had a daughter, I was relieved for many reasons, one being that she would never be cannon fodder for a government that lies. She was born during Vietnam. 

    I am not denigrating those who wanted to serve their country. They have bought the propaganda, fed them all their lives. It is easy to be manipulated when fed the same story over and over. 

    What if the U.S. gave a war and nobody came?












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