Sunday, February 12, 2006

Catch up with the Kid

It was a quick conversation with my daughter. She had hunkered down for the snowstorm in DC which to her New England mind is not really a snowstorm. She told with amusment of store shelves being emptied when only a couple of inches were predicted.

She caught me up on Morgana’s and Gwen’s antics. The two purring fuzzballs are fascinated by the squirrels that run up and down her balcony, a sorta kitty TV. Sometimes it switches to a bird station. It keeps the girls entertained. Although I wouldn’t admit it to her, I did enjoy them for the short time they lived with me.

My friends in Geneva are constantly asking about her. Many became her friends. I can report she is working, although on this day when snow was falling she was content to play Sim on her computer and let her animals watch living nature.

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