Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ptah II

Ptah II has his name because his owner felt she would call the white cat Ptah after her deceased tiger cat so rather than have his name Ptah-Fuzzy or Ptah-something or other, she took the easy way out.

Usually he is confined to her apartment over her shop, but the folding door is off the hinges.

On market day he slinks down the stairs into the forbidden zone. He peeks out the door to the narrow street half filled with people carrying baskets to fill with vegetables, olives, and other marché purchases.

Across the street is the fishmonger. Ptah II darts out but only a few steps then seeks the safety of the store. He repeats it over and over during the morning, each time making it closer to his target. Each time a dog, a child sends him flying back.

He doesn’t see Lola or Bianca the other cats who have long ago mastered this outside world and have the attitude the street is theirs and they will allow these two-footed creatures into their world.

Ptah II never makes it. The marché ends and the store is closed for lunch. He goes back upstairs, snuggles in his basket in front of the heater. Did he dream of fish not found?

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