Sunday, February 12, 2006

Olympic Ceremonies

I am a sucker for Olympic opening ceremonies. It’s not the different spectacular clothing or the dancing or the singing, although the acrobatic dancing that ended up with the performers forming the dove of peace in mid air was pretty moving, I watched on France 2, with the English and Italian be translated into French.

What moves me is watching the entrance of the young athletes. In each face is years of dedication and work. Only a few will leave with medals, and some will say, too bad he only won a silver or a bronze. What is forgotten is that each of them is the best their country has to offer. What a thrill it must be to travel from small to great distances, to meet with others from all over the world and to test yourself against the others. So no matter all the hype behind the event.

There are billions on people on this planet. Only a teeny, teeny, teeny percentage were good enough to walk into that arena Friday night. And that leaves me with tears running down my face.

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