Saturday, March 01, 2008

The dusty rose hoe

For years I’ve been part of an on-line writing group. Together we produced a collection of short stories all centered around Camden Market. However, more than sharing our writing, we’ve shared our lives: the death of loved ones, disappointments and joys in our children, adoption, career changes, even war. We come from several countries. Some of us have met face to face, some of us have talked on the telephone. Some of us may never meet, yet there's a closeness and caring that I would miss desperately if it disappeared.
This week one of us sent out one of those games, where you keep scrolling down and adding numbers then are asked a question. This was to name a color and tool. 98% said red hammer, we were told, but you couldn’t prove it by this group. I said a dusty rose hoe while two others said blue bucket and yellow spatula… I won’t list all the deviations, but obviously we fall into the 2% of the world that thinks differently. That’s okay. In fact, it's great.

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