Saturday, March 29, 2008

Point of View

As a writer deciding point of view is one of the first things in creating a story…do I look at it from Peggy’s or Pa’s point of view? Or both? Or from Katie’s and Ma’s? And how do I transition between them to get at the real depth of the story?

Likewise in politics: two people listening to the same speech may have different reactions. For example I’ve heard reactions to Wright’s speech that “he shouldn’t say those things about our country” and “Thank God, finally someone told the truth.” Strangely the two points of view can both be true, at least from the holder of the opinion.

Thus when I was walking from the post, I was surprised to look down over the bridge onto the tops of the flowers that I usually look up at. These purple beauties hang from houses often creating a lavender (also purple, lilac or mauve depending on what you want to call the colour of many names) forming canopies over the narrow streets of Argelès, creating magical walkways.

Unlike the ugly truths of Wright’s speech, the flowers are beautiful from both points of view... up or down…or maybe the beauty and ugliness of flowers and history are consistent and should be accepted for what they are.

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