Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Rock me Amadeus

Amadeus…the name of my last Japanese chin…

Amadeus…Mozart’s middle name

Rock me Amadeus

Amadeus…restaurant in Argelès where we had Easter dinner

First Course: Regular fois gras and fois gras mousse brulée. The salad is wrapped in the lightest sliced cucumber I've ever seen. There is a chutney made of chestnuts and mangos.

Second Course: Roast duck. A three vegetable (white potato, yellow potato and courgette, eggplant slice over roast pepper and a mousse in a little jar...we never identified it other than hmmm, delicious

Third Course: Cheeses

Fourth Course: Pear sherbert, a raspberry coulée and a chocolate cake.

All this for 45 Euros including wine...

photos by Julia Schmitz-Leuffen


Merc said...

And check out Amadeus under Mozartkugel at Merc's Shorties, see

Melissa said...

Reservations in the fall, please...