Friday, May 13, 2022

Covid and me!


Day 5 of my visit to my daughter in Malden, MA, I woke with a bad cold feeling. The rest of the visit I had plans to meet with two special women, daughters of a later friend whom I'd known for decades and a high school friend whom we've met up regularly. Then I'd see who else I could manage to see before returning to Europe.

The word Covid drifted through my brain. "I think I should have a test just in case." 

My daughter found a CVS testing center and off we went. My husband was already at his conference in Florida.

At the CVS we went to the testing center, we walked by at least 16 people drifting around staring at their phones. In my head, I played the Twilight Zone theme song.

"Positive," the tester said. She was from Kenya and was hoping to go on a cruise Monday.

I'm not sure where it came from. Six days ago I tested negative before my flight. I'd been 3x vaxed. I used sanitizer regularly. I wear a mask. Could it have been when I'd taken it off to eat at Dempseys, the Wayside Inn or that Japanese restaurant? The airplane?

I cancelled my planned visits.

My high school friend offered money if we needed it or anything else we might need. I really appreciated his offer.

Husband Rick returned from Florida. My five day quarantine passed and checking with the CDC, I thought I was no longer contagious when we headed home. I was also masked.

Compared to ventilators and death, this seemed like a mild case. My cold-like symptoms disappeared although I was left with a deep-tired.

As we were ready to leave, my daughter developed a "cold." A test showed positive.

Once home, my husband developed a "cold."

He went around the corner to our local pharmacy for a test. 

"Positive." That was the first word out of his mouth on his return.

I'm on day 9. Because I am a bit OCD wanting everything in its place and not caring, the fact that I put some stuff (not much) away makes me believe, this too should end.  

As a family, sharing is wonderful. Sharing Covid is not.

Rick has done a dueling blog at


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