Sunday, January 08, 2023

No Pussyfooting


When Rick and I decided to put our lives together we knew some of it would be difficult. Things like being on two different continents.

He would have to get use to a new if not two new cultures, a new language. After 41 years of single bliss and absolute refusal to have a live-in man in my life, it would be a big step for me.

I suggested to eliminate misunderstandings we enact a "No Pussyfooting Rule. (NPFR)"

How did it work?

If something difficult or bad was going to happen, we had to tell the other. Good things are easy to share and don't need a rule.

If either one of us made a mistake or did something stupid, we had to tell the other.

How did it work?

Let's say we've only had one major argument in the almost ten years we've been together and that (under the NPFR was my fault). That doesn't mean we don't have a lot of discussions on how to solve whatever the NPFR revealed. 

Both of us have had our share of saying "Do you know what your stupid (wife or husband) has done?"

It has also helped us through visa and permit problems, business problems, my cancer, a new dog and all the details of daily life.

We both have idiosyncrasies that sometimes annoy and sometimes amuse the other. I'm not sure how the NPFR works except we can talk about them. I suspect the honesty with each other helps a compromise.

I know when I've done something stupid, I hate to admit it -- but I do.

I know I would prefer not to hear about another frustration of daily life that he took, takes or will take care of.

I wouldn't trade the lack of honesty for anything so I put on my big girl pants and I fess up. 

It works.

I am looking forward to reading Rick's dueling blog at


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