The idea to use my fireplace as decoration came from Betty. Having a small studio, and when I don’t lite a fire the hearth is dark, making the flat appear even smaller, but I had an idea to put down the leftover tiles from my kitchen to make it lighter and therefore visually make the flat a big bigger. Because it looked baren, I decided to place Ho Tai, given to me years ago by the late Hiram Manning* in the middle.
Ho Tai looked lonely so I changed the placement of my candles, which exactly pick up the colours in HoTai's robe, and in the tapestry my daughter made and which also match exactly the colours in my curtains.
Here’s where Llara rolls her eyes and says “MUTH-AH, MUTH-AH, MUTH-AH as she does whenever I speak colour.
If I want a fire I pick up the tiles and move Ho Tai and his candle entourage to a cooler clime.
*Manning was an expert on decoupage and some of his beautiful work and his story is at http://victorianclipartdelite.com/tips.shtml How many teas we shared with this man talking everything under the sun, moon and stars and up from the grass and earth.
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Great idea and will make it cosy when they're lit.
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