Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy List

A thick book called 14,000 To Be Happy About was in my friend’s bathroom.
I started to think of all the things that made me happy in the last 24 hours.

1. The smell of water in the air.
2. The mist hiding the lake visible through a path flanked by two stone walls.
3. That it stopped raining after six days.
4. That I did the puzzle find 7 errors, find, find, find, find, find, find, pause, pause, find.
5. My mammogram was perfect and the technician and I giggled throughout.
6. I made all the bus connections quickly.
7. Purple pansies.
8. My accountant said that I had given him everything he needed to do my taxes. Far better than the year he stood with me in the lobby of UBS and announced in a voice that everyone could hear, probably up to the fifth floor, “This poor American has been here three times for a form and no one has helped her. Who will help her now?” Now quite as happy as the year he gave me olive oil pressed from his own trees…
9. One white oval petal as large as my hand, beaded with moisture, on the sidewalk and untrampled.
10. Seeing bison on the way to Ferney-Voltaire.
11. Finding a new pizza place that makes a great crust.
12. Seeing the Indian countryside in the movie Darjeeling Express then discussing with a friend why we didn’t like the script while loving the trip to India and the filming techniques.
13. Sleeping over at girlfriend’s house, an adult pajama party and discussing which look would be better for her formal dinner the next night just one item on a list of girlie topics.
14. Sipping ginger tea.
15. Fresh pineapple for breakfast
16. A new colt running in the field with adult horses next to the ILO.
17. A master writing class on plot.
18. The chandelier at the Geneva Press Club reflected in opposing mirrors to infinity.
19. The extra long head massage from my hair dresser when he cut my hair.
20. Seeing a photo of Raphael and his hours old son, Gabriel.
21. Learning Fanny would be here next weekend.
Now only 13,979 to go.

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