Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Monaco honeymoon Part I

Petite Cougar: We are lucky we are being allowed to go to Monaco with Rick and Donna-Lane, so I want you all to behave.

Petite Cougar and Angel decide to visit the boutique when Rick and Donna-Lane stop for a break and gas.

Angel makes a new friend and introduces her to Petite Cougar.

Scooby II: Come back, come back, you didn't mean to leave me in the car did you, did you, did you?

(Petite Cougar and Angel did mean to leave him there.) Petite Cougar really enjoyed showing and sharing with Angel in the store instead of having to chase her normally badly behaved son to make sure he didn't break anything.

After a little trouble finding the BnB in Monaco Donna-Lane and Rick were greeted by the smiling hostess and led to the lovely flat. The animals loved the chair except for Scooby who kept yelling at Angel, "Get off my Mom."

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