Saturday, November 27, 2021

Difference of opinon

 Decolonization and Rittenhouse two examples that  show the wide diversion of people in the U.S.


A Fox news commentator was ranting against the decolonization of Thanksgiving. They basically put forth that children in school should not be exposed to the negative information about the first settlers. 

In school I was taught the pretty version. We colored pictures of pilgrims and Indians. Only as an adult did I read the stories about smallpox blankets being given to Indians, appropriation of land, etc. I have a several-inch book by Caleb Johnson containing every document of the founding fathers.

Hiding truth produces mindless citizens. 

The men and women who settled Massachusetts Bay colony were on one hand religious bigots who would punish or destroy anyone who went against their rigid believes. On the other hand they were extremely brave to face unknown hardships to follow their beliefs. They also stole or settled depending what verb you want to use from those already occupying their land. 

Most societies have some sort of harvest festival. The early settlers did just that.

What does that mean to kids today? Grown ups today? Should we not eat turkey, have time off with friends and relatives because of what the early Americans did? Can we recognize the sins, while admiring the accomplishments? Does it have to be all bad or good?

The speaker on Fox was saying how the liberals wanted to ruin Thanksgiving for everyone. The claim is over the top just as the war on Christmas is a phony issue. 

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday for the family gatherings, good food, a remembrance of what is good in my life. When I found out the truth of the good and bad of the early settlers, I was angry I was lied to. It made me wonder what else I was lied to about American history, and the more I read, the more I learned of the lies. It doesn't make me hate America for its past, but it does make worry about the lies being told currently and the price the Americans pay for their ignorance.

Rittenhouse is another case. The kid has been called a hero, who rushed to the aid of people in another state. He just happened to be carrying an assault weapon that he used to defend himself while killing a couple of people. He merits a visit to the 45th president of the United States, a possible congressional internship and a gold medal, according to some.

The opposite point of view: he is a white supremacist based on videos of what he said, had an illegal weapon carried across state lines, allegedly was helping others medically which was never proven and defending property that wasn't his. In most cases self defense can't be an argument if the person who claims it instigated the attack. Some how, if Kyle Rittenhouse was in his own bed in another state no one would have "threatened" him. 

When one reads different points of view, it is hard to understand how they came to such wildly divergent opinions. But hiding what really happened and why is no way to reach the truth and without truth, nothing is real.



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