Thursday, November 04, 2021


 Day 3 of the 30 day Flash Fiction Marathon. Write up to 750 words from a prompt.

 Write about something wrong that turns out to be right 

“Mother knows that Friday is our date night. Why would she insist we come over?” Lisa rubbed her stomach. Lisa and Tom’s Friday date night was sacred.

It had started after they first lived together five years before and continued through their marriage two years ago. Between their two jobs that required far more than 40 hours each, sometimes they would go almost a week with only a quick kiss on the cheek if that. 

Date night could be a trip to Harvard Square, a meal, a stop at a bookstore and listening to the street musicians. Other times they would get in PJs, curl up with one ice cream carton and two spoons or popcorn and watch Netflix. There were Friday nights, after making love, they would read in bed.

“It has to be important,” Tom said as he pulled the car out of the driveway. We can have date night tomorrow after we go shopping for the crib and highchair.”

“It won’t be the same.”

He put his hand on her knee. “Mommies-to-be shouldn’t sulk.”

The drive to Lisa’s parents in Wakefield took about a 30 minutes. They pulled into the driveway of the Cape Cod house where she and her two sisters had grown up.

“My God, the house is dark. They got us out here and they aren’t even home.”

Tom shut off the engine. “They're probably running late. Let’s go in and wait for them.” He helped Lisa up the five stairs. Both of them had keys to the house.

Lisa went in first careful to not trip in the dark.

A burst of light and cries of “surprise.”

Her sisters, cousins, in-laws, and several friends were all standing under the baby shower sign.”

A crib and highchair in one corner told Lisa they wouldn’t need to go shopping tomorrow.

306 words


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