Friday, October 08, 2021

Boring photos

How many million photos are there of someone grinning before some famous landmark. Or a group of people all staring at the camera for some event? Yes it captures a time and place but totally lack imagination.  They are BOOOOORRRINNG!!!

My poor husband. I refused to let him take my photo staring at the camera in front of any landmark no matter how famous. He got around that by a series of photos of me taking photos of the landmark in question. The photo above could almost be the cover of a mystery where a body is found in a windmill. I also like the bushes that create a path from me to the windmill. I'm almost outside the frame, but the windmill is dead center. I do think I add a bit of interest to the windmill as in why is that woman taking a photo.


This was taken in Figueres, Spain. We could have had my husband in front of the statue, grinning at the camera, although he was grinning. It is hard to tell that the statue is part of a dragon, but that isn't the story. The story is how a photographer will do anything to get the right angle. It also triggers memories of going to lunch, walking by the Dali Museum which we will visit another time.
Look at this photo. It could have been this attractive woman just staring at the camera. Maybe even done in daylight rather than dusk. Instead, between the time of day, the fire, the woman not quite in profile, it creates a mood. Is she happy? Sad? Is this a special get away for her from daily responsibilities? Is she alone, with someone? Has she already eaten? So many possibilities while still capturing a memory. I can almost feel the heat of the flame on my front, the smell of the wood burning, the cool air at my back as day gives way to night.
Or this photo that oozes love. So much better than mother and child just staring at the camera. It also captures the flavor of autumn between the leaves, yellow pants. It doesn't hurt the woman has red hair. And there is the smiling face radiating happiness captured for eternity.

When I was taking photos of two beautiful children I told them NOT to look at the camera. Do something. Anything.
I do not claim to be a great photographer. I do claim with my phone to see stories and moods when I click it. 

Note: Thank you to the photographers who let me use their photos.

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