Thursday, November 07, 2013

rue Vermeille and attitude lessons

Rue Vermeille in Argelès is considered the most beautiful street in the village (among many beautiful streets).

Even in November, flowers are abundant. Tourists stop and take photos. Locals take photos. Residents smile and say how lucky they are to live here.

But this morning, as I was heading to the shops there were three people on the street with their cameras. The women were saying how pretty it was.

However, the man, was growling. "Merde. Chiens. Merde."

Yes there was dog shit on this beautiful street. However, the man let this tiny pile, which he DIDN'T step in it and he forgot to look at the beauty all around him.

Attitude is everything.  As for me, I will step around the dog shit as I enjoy the flowers.

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